DE: Ich hatte eine erfolgreiche Eizellenentnahme im Juni. Glücklicherweise hat alles sehr gut geklappt und meine Embryonen wurden eingefroren.

DE: Ich hatte eine erfolgreiche Eizellenentnahme im Juni. Glücklicherweise hat alles sehr gut geklappt und meine Embryonen wurden eingefroren.
Our experience with Delivering Dreams has been overwhelmingly positive. The team seems to be genuinely dedicated to helping us to realize our dream of having a child. The constant communication leading up to the trip and the numerous touch points made us feel comforted in what has been a very challenging and uncomfortable situation. We always had streamlined communication through the group chat and was frequently checked on during our stay.
DE: Ich bin bei der Ankunft in Kiew gut und nett empfangen worden. Der Aufenthalt war sehr abwechslungsreich und schön. Die Betreuung der Ärzte und deren Angestellte war immer sehr angagiert,konkret und hilfsbereit. Dir Behandlung an sich , lief bis jetzt problemlos und reibungslos. Hoffe das ich bei der zweiten Anreise , dem Transfer , ein positives Ergebnis erhalten werde. Vielen Dank an das Team
ENG: I was lovely welcomed on arrival in Kyiv. The stay was very varied and beautiful. The care of the doctors and their employees was always very dedicated, concrete, and helpful. The treatment has been run smoothly, without any problems so far. I hope that I will get a positive result on my second journey, during the transfer. Thanks to the team☺️
The quality of medical care was top-notch. Prior to the egg retrieval, I was referred to another Ukrainian doctor for medical clearance to ensure that I can safely undergo the procedure with anesthesia. Although I’ve tolerated general anesthesia many times, I appreciated the extra layer of security.
Our fertility doctor was a dream! She was kind, compassionate and carefully prescribed the medication protocol as to not cause ovarian hyperstimulation, which was our concern. We felt that she was committed to our welfare as well as the welfare of the surrogate. She took her time to explain everything and address any questions or concerns we had. We didn’t feel rushed during the appointments, nor did we feel like “just another couple.” We were fortunate to have positive preliminary results which obviously helped with the overall experience.
(For appointments) Kate (Delivering Dreams customer service manager) met us with a taxi, then accompanied us throughout each appointment to provide support and translation assistance. She was very helpful, for not only us, but also the fertility center staff. Because we were working during our stay in Kiev, we were restricted to early morning appointments, however this posed no issue--we were always accommodated.
The center was usually very busy, and at times, limited seating in certain areas, but we never had to wait more than a few minutes to be seen by the fertility doctor.
The surrogacy process and the shipping process of our embryos has definitely met and exceeded our expectations up to this point. The surrogacy process has been quick, efficient and the communication has been top notch. Having you take care of the logistics, paperwork, finding clinic and surrogate mother has taken so much pressure off of me, if I would have had to do that myself,
I believe it could have been a disaster. I like having the agency involved as I feel it gives me support and has been so helpful in an already nerve-wracking process. Shipping of our 3 embryos was made easy and communication was great. I love that I was sent photos on arrival/pick up and on drop off, as it made me feel good knowing that our embryos were in good hands and arrived at the clinic. I appreciated that I was given a timeline of when embryos would be picked up and dropped off and the communication has been excellent. I also appreciate the surrogacy process timeline and what to expect.
I would highly recommend Delivering Dreams and ArkCryo. I am very happy that we went forward with choosing Delivering Dreams and ArcKryo at this point in our journey it has been nothing but a wonderful experience. There is not a thing I would change. I especially love how quick questions or concerns are answered and how fast of a response we receive. Everyone has been very wonderful in helping us along in this journey and we are very appreciative.
We are a pretty open minded couple when it comes to new cultural experiences. That being said, the idea of traveling to Ukraine piqued our interest, but honestly, it was not nearly at the top of our list of potential countries to visit. Fortunately, we were pleasantly surprised.
Our expectations of Kiev were low mainly due to media reports of Ukraine-Russia conflict and lack of knowledge about the culture and country. In the US, we never hear of people going to Ukraine for leisure, so we had no idea all the country had to offer.
The food was amazing with plenty of affordable dining experiences. Fresh, flavorful and healthy (unless we wanted to really indulge)!
The apartment that was provided was definitely not a 5-star resort, but it provided all that we needed during our extended stay. The location was ideal, in the middle of a bustling area of Kiev where we were within walking distance to everything- shopping, tours, dining, nightlife, parks and historical landmarks.
The Ukrainians we had the pleasure of meeting were some of the nicest, most hospitable people we’ve ever met. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay and have been sharing our experiences with our loved ones non-stop.
We were confident before in our choice, but this experience has confirmed beyond any doubt that we choose the best agency.
Selvfølgelig ville jeg anbefale jer, i har været fantastiske og enormt tålmodige igennem forløbet.
Jeg havde skrevet med to andre klinikker, inden jeg skrev til jer den gang i maj måned 2019.
Det var jer der gav mig en mavefornemmelse af ,at det her sted er det helt rigtige. Har aldrig fortrudt vores møde med jer. I har været så søde, kærlige, rummelige og haft en kæmpe tålmodighed og virket så ægte med hjertet det rette sted.
I har givet os ro i det her enorme "kaos", at to lande har så mange forskelligheder, men alligevel forsikrede os om at det her nok skal lykkes på den ene eller anden måde.
Har aldrig mødt mennesker der har været så støttene, positive, rummelige. Den måde i har svaret alle tider i døgnet. Vi har kunne stille alle spørgsmål vi har haft, mange af de samme spørgsmål. I har bare svaret hver gang, med en rummelighed, jeg ikke har mødt før.
Jeg har skrevet med jer i gennem 2 år snart. Jeg har al min tillid til jer. I har virket til og have haft styr på alle ting hele vejen i gennem denne rejse. vi glæder os til og samarbejde meget mere med jer. I gør et stort stykke arbejde. I gør det i den helt rette ånd
Kan ikke takke jer nok, for jeres arbejde. Jeg er så taknemelig for alt hvad i har gjort og guidet os igennem denne proces. At vi måske kan få vores største ønske opfyldt med jeres støtte er det vildeste jeg har oplevet. TAK
Of course, I would recommend you (Delivering Dreams), you have been amazing and extremely patient throughout the process.
I had written with two other clinics before I wrote to you that time in the month of May 2019.
It was you who gave me a gut feeling that this place is just right. Never regretted our meeting with you. You have been so sweet, loving, spacious and had a huge patience and seemed so genuine with the heart the right place.
You have given us peace in this enormous "chaos" that two countries have so many differences, but still assured us that this will probably succeed in one way or another.
Have never met people who have been so supportive, positive, inclusive. That way you have the answer at all times of the day. We have been able to ask all the questions we have had, many of the same questions. You just have the answer every time, with an inclusiveness I have not encountered before.
I have been working with you for 2 years soon. I have all my confidence in you. You have worked and managed all things throughout this journey. we look forward to and cooperate much more with you. You are doing a great job. You do it in the right spirit.
Can't thank you enough for your work. I am so grateful for everything you have done and guided us through this process. That we may be able to have our greatest wish fulfilled with your support is the wildest thing I have experienced. THANK YOU
The international surrogacy world is complicated. Susan Kibler knows its ins-and-outs. She knows the people and outfits you can trust and the ones to avoid. She insists on the best for her clients and handles the details so they don't have to worry about them. If you want to take the international surrogacy journey, you can trust Delivering Dreams International Surrogacy Agency to guide you on that path.
Susan is passionate about helping people become families. She is a trustworthy confidant to have on your side.
I really appreciate your effort to educate and your detailed explanation on the reported events…Your info make sense and I do trust your intel. Again, I greatly appreciate your due diligence in addressing these events and issues that as you know provoked a great deal of worries on my part.
Thank you again for your great and timely communication!
Having known Susan very well for a number of years, I have whole-heartedly and without reservation recommended her services to my patients and recommend her surrogacy services to anyone who is looking into becoming parents through surrogacy. Susan’s knowledge about the surrogacy process and the ins and outs of Ukraine is impressive and her professionalism is unparalled.
Certainly, surrogacy is emotionally charged and challenging and can be challenging enough in the United States, let alone a foreign country like Ukraine, but because of Susan’s first-hand experience and her expertise, she makes it simple and obtainable. Her compassion and empathy are evident throughout the entire process and her support continues even after returning home with a child.
I think that what Susan does is truly wonderous, admirable and awe-inspiring. She is a modern-day fairy godmother, making people’s dreams become reality.
I’ve known Susan for several years now, and I’ve always been impressed by her attention to her clients’ needs. I’ve known her to work ardently and diligently to solve whatever challenges, no matter how unique, that prevent her clients from completing their families. She is a problem-solver, and she earnestly believes in providing the best options and in making surrogacy opportunities realities: this is not merely a business for Susan. She will help customize the process for your needs and to make sure you are comfortable; she will be the coach in your corner through the entire process.
The team at Delivering Dreams is amazing! Their attention to detail and ability to put your mind at ease while growing your family is like none other. They handled everything for us, and I never once doubted they would help us accomplish our dreams.
Susan has been nothing less than professional, courteous and extremely knowledgeable throughout our entire journey. Although our journey is still yet to be determined, Susan consistently follows-up with relevant questions and information. She also truly wants what is best for you. She will not offer or push solutions that she knows are not in your heart. I strongly urge couples with infertility issues to definitely reach out to Delivering Dreams to learn about options and what might be best for you. You don’t have to know exactly which route is best for you, that is something they can help you figure out. She has been more than a joy to work with and I am excited to continue working with her! T.M.
In my position for the Ukrainian government stationed in NYC overseeing post-adoption issues for over 4 years, I had the wonderful experience of working with Susan Kibler for many years. Susan is so passionate and enthusiastic about helping couples grow their families. She treats each couple as if they are part of her own family. I have had opportunities to meet and interact families that she has created, and they speak nothing but amazing things about Susan and her team’s service, and of them as individuals.
Susan truly understands the needs of parents using surrogacy, and offers comprehensive emotional support to parents as they experience the journey!
I loved working with Susan and her team and highly recommend them to anyone considering her services. She's is great at every aspect of a process and knows how to handle delicate matters.
I don't have enough words to describe the work with Susan. She is such a caring person that will go the extra mile in order to meet your goals. We had a very complex situation, that other agencies didn't even bothered to check and look into our possibilities. Susan was not willing to commit without first finding a solution to our problem - which she miraculously did reaching out to several lawyers and government official in several countries. If you want to have someone supporting and being there with you every step of the way - Susan is the one. It is not an easy journey and you will be lucky if Susan will be the one to support you along this way.
My friend and I had a positive experience working with Susan. Susan is always super responsive and caring. She is very professional, helpful and reliable. My friend has soo much troubles trying having a baby for many years. My friend and her husband were about to give up their dream of having a baby. Susan Kersch Kibler found the way to help. She has unlimited energy, attentive to detail and super efficient. Great to work with!